Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Scream n' Shake

So where to begin?! Sunday was sweet and all with "Deke Day" where we (all freshman) were shipped out around TN to get some service hours in. It was awesome and I met a few great people and an awesome woman named Georgia.
Monday I woke up and went with a few pals to lift weights (which my legs are still killing me a few days afterwards). I really can't remember what went on that day. I know I saw "Napolean Dynamite" with some pals and stuff. It rocked. Also I had me virgin experience at Moe's Southwest Grill (which rocked).
Registration was a nightmare as I was sent everywhere. What I thought was going to be a simple thing ended up being an overwhelming room after room ordeal. But after a few hard crys and hugs I made it through registration. Hurray, right?! No! I then had to go find all my books. That took a good 30 mins as I ended up getting about 11 books and spent a total of $404.
We went Monday night to see "Red Eye" with some gals which was so funny. I sat next to Rachel who was scared the whole time. She was hilarious and even used a twizzler to cover her eyes. My dorm mate Chris Gates screamed so loud at one part which was so hilarious. I laughed so hard. After the movie was over we went to Steak 'n Shake and stayed out till about 2 in the morning.
Today (Tuesday), we went out to eat at the expensive Tres Hermanos with the same gals who are awesome. After that we headed over to the free Barlow Girl concert with an opening band called "From Brenda with Love". They stunk, but Barlow Girls rocked. Their message is so solid and they are so open.
I've done so much that everything seems a blur. Somewhere in there I attempted to open up my P.O. Box. I'll have some pictures up soon when they get out internet connections in our rooms back up again (sadness, I know).


One of the things that makes Lee unique is our trolley system. Yeah, I know, I rock!

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