Thursday, August 25, 2005

Party, Party, and Party

Today was my first day of class and I ended up just having to go to one instead of two. I had Biology! The teacher was awesome and started off with a devotion and prayer. Isn't that sweet? I wish that happened in public school. Teachers there would show no hint of faith and her they flaunt it!

After class I met up with my bros (I'll introduce them later) and some awesome gals. After dinner we went to a frat block party for awhile and then us guys went to play some pool. Yeah, they saw how crappy I am at pool. After that we went back to the block party for a few songs and went with some of our friends to the Student Leadership Council meeting at "The House". I had no clue where we were until we were sitting down in the front row. I dunno, I may join if I have time. SO after that we headed over to a coffee house on campus and sat outside. I headed over to the HYPE concert/party thing for a few minutes then headed back to the patio outside the coffee house and we had a group of 10 or so just having a blast. We had so much fun and I wish I had the time to explain everything. So for my lack of wanting to explain everything, here are some more pictures!


Some of my pals ontop my roommate Brent.

The Peru Gang: Elaina, Whitney, and Brent

Rachel and Adina. These girls are awesome!


Anonymous said...

wel I see you have a lot of GirlFriends Trent, Lol

Anonymous said...

well I see you have a Lot of Girlfriends Trent, lol