Monday, September 26, 2005

Thanksgiving So Soon?!

Sunday I reluctantly got out of bed and headed down to ChristWay. After a great early service, I was invited to go to my residental director's (Todd and Michelle) parent's house for lunch, or as they call it, dinner. The food was amazing as I felt as though I was eating a thanksgiving dinner. After stuffing myself for the second day in a row, I did some errands around the house for them. It was the least I could do for such great food. I ended up taking a nap and staying till 5:30.
The whole family and I left to go to youth group to hear Michelle's twin sister Jen speak about her trip to Nepal over the summer. It was awesome and showed me how our churces are too complacent, especially alot of kids back at my home church. It surprised me to see how a nineteen year old kid with down-syndrome had more faith than alot of kids back in my youth group. So God really touched me through Jenn and Ryan. After youth groups I decided to go to the church's "Open Door" meeting where they discussed things going on with the church. ChristWay is in the same boat now as First Christian was when we lost our pastor and ministers. They are starting from scratch as they lost most of their members. The meeting was so amazing as I saw the whole body come together. I am so excited to be at ChristWay and I cannot wait to see what God will do there in the next four years.
Trent "I won't be complacent" Hope

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