Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Homeless Choo-Choo

So, I wasn't planning on doing anything Wed. night. Alot of my pals were going to go down to Chattanooga for the Men's Soccer Game and I needed to study. Well, at the last minute I found out we would get back earlier than I thought we would, so I went. Well, the rest of the group fell apart for some odd reason and Becky, Patrick, and I went. So off we went and we had a blast. We played Covenant College Scots atop lookout Mtn. and passed into Georgia for a few hours. For those of you who know me well, I get easily excited. So I pointed out every rock and artifact along the way. We won our game 5-1 and headed for downtown to look for some grub. Chili's sparked our appetite as we ate and then headed back home for the night. Maybe some pictures will help you understand better.

Cookies. Brownies. CCM Magazine. Pictures. Cards. Go0000d. :)

A picture of a cool bridge, what you don't see is the homeless man we almost hit. You can sort of see the buggy to the right of the car. Seriously.

Imissed the it's "renton".

They call themselves the "Lee Hooligans". Enough Said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamal. It's Tracie. lol :D You sound so busy!!!But sounds like you're having a blast! When you come back in town give me a call, we should go get coffee, yum Hey And Pork And Beans. Hope 2 talk 2 u soon and God Bless! Krystal