Thursday, January 31, 2008

Passing the Time

So I am in the Spanish lab, watching a movie in Spanish called "Life's a *****". Yeah, great name, huh? It's pretty intense, and violent, and bloody. The first part is dealing with Dog fighting, so I am sure Michael Vick loves this movie. This is the worst part of the week, these 31/2 hours between clases. I was miserable last Thursday. Pretty much as miserable can get. But today, I am así,así. I am worrying a little about Jamaica. I want to go, I am just worried money-wise. How can I raise it? I mean, I raised $3,600 for Kenya, so $1250 should be no problem. The thing is that I am asking for money again. But I don't want to be a begger, but someone that people can get behind and see the bigger picture. I was made for this. I was made to change the world. I was made to show community and love. There is a way.

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