Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Dear Loved Family,

Last night Chris ran into the loving arms of her Savior. And we celebrate in a beautiful win. She was and will forever be an example of true love that Christ displayed. I don't find it coincidence that Christ without the letter 't' is Chris. He lived and breathed through her, and she struggled, she doubted, she cried, because she was human and so was Christ. Chris was a revolutionary. She had courage and bravery when no one had the guts to love. All walls dropped when she met you, and she hugged you with nothing but love and listened with nothing but wisdom to follow. And now, while we have to wait a blink of an eye before we can embrace her again, she lives here in Henry. She in him and him in her. I watched over the years as she and him grew together. And now in Henry I see Chris shining through. So please be in prayer for our huge family: all brothers, sisters, grandparents, nieces, nephews, cousins, neighbors, church friends, teachers, best friends, everyone. You are family. And so I end with the words of Louie Giglio and the Rick Peason family. Rick died two years ago at the age of 23 from cancer. He too was a revolutionary, and it was Chris who got me through his 'win' and now he who is getting me through hers.

'... so that now, as always, Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to live is Christ, and for me to die is gain.' Phil 1:20-21

We all hoped Chris wouldn't die...
And in fact she's very much alive!


We prayed and believed God would raise her up...
And He did!


We wanted to see Chris get out of bed and walk out to her garden.
But instead she soared through the roof!


Death tried to claim her...
But Jesus had already saved her!


We grieve because Chris is gone...
But seeds of hope reside deep down in our souls because we know exactly where she is.


We miss her
But we will again embrace her.


Jesus Christ is Risen today and He is the ultimate grave robber.
In Him we have the victory.
In Him WE WIN.

Romans 8:10

- Thanks to Rick Pearson and Family for helping me to realize this.

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