Monday, May 16, 2005

Stealing $500 and then some

Today I was able to sleep in and wake up at noon! I awoke to "you're cutting the grass either before we leave or when we get back", no "I need you to cut the grass today, please". So I had lunch and then grabbed my iPod and listened to ABBA while cutting away the grass. It was a pitiful sight as I tripped over 50 billion holes. After that I decided to grab my sister and a friend and take them to the pool. I soaked up some sun and then got back and took a quick shower.
We left about 4:15 to go and get a scholarship that I won. It was a quick congrats, shaking of hands, smile, and give me the money...smooth. I then proceeded to spend my mom's money on tons of food at Kroger. I am on a healthy food mood. I always get like this right before school is out and summer begins.


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