Thursday, April 28, 2005

Nasal Nightmare

Ahhhh! Allergies galore! I took some Benodryl and I am now waiting to succumb to the drugs. I have been stressing extensively about the youth rally I am doing on May 7th. I find it extremely interesting how Satan is doing everything he can to prevent this event from happening. But, more blessings have been pouring out than the evil stuff has. Nothing seemed to want to work at church tonight, Satan tried to get to a friend, working tomorrow night became a conflict, nasal problems started yesterday, and a mother/daugter banquet suddenly is on the same day. So much is trying to prevent the "CatchAFire" rally from happening, but it will.

I am extremely nervous about my scholarship interview tomorrow night with Mr. DeSana. I hope he likes me, because if he does, I am $5k more richer with scholarship money for college.


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